If the temperatures are increasing in a mountainous region, in order to be sure in that, the evidence can simply be obtained by the vegetation. The mountains tend to be warmer at the lower parts, and as the elevation increases, the temperature decreases. If it is a higher mountain, then we will see that there is certain type of vegetation in the lower parts, above it a belt of another vegetation type, above that one there's usually a belt of grasses, and the highest parts are usually with little to no vegetation. If the temperature increases though, then the vegetation from the bottom will start moving upwards, occupying larger portion, the second layer will move upwards as well, and the grasses will come around the top part of the mountain, with the barren part disappearing from the scene.
Continential Tropical
Maritime polar air masses can form any time of the year and are usually not as cold as continental polar air masses. responsible for the hot, humid days of summer across the South and the East. Continental Tropical (cT): Hot and very dry. They usually form over the Desert Southwest and northern Mexico during summer.
To base holy sites around natural elements of the environment is Christianity
The Earth is comprised of many plates that float on the hot magma in the mantle layer. They are constantly moving but its so slow we can't feel it. A long time ago, all the land on Earth was connected in one big continent named Pangaea. As the plates have moved the land has separated forming the continents.
When plates come together they cause friction between them. This causes the plates to push up forming a mountain. This was how the Himalayan mountains were formed.