The six major nutrients found in food and are requried for cellular processes are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, water, vitamins and minerals.
When it is expedient to describe the ability of living organisms to perform well in everyday life, and sporting activities, The term used to describe this is called Skill-related fitness.<u> Its relevance to personal safety and well being is reflected from the fact that it provides avenue for the selection of life time activities suitable for individual choice , and pleasure which therefore underscore the personal activities to delve into for safety and well being for the entire life time.</u>
The core component of skill-related fitness is physical fitness.This subdivided into 5 in number.These are -Cardiovascular endurance Muscular strength,.muscular endurance, body composition and flexibility
cardiovascular endurance is also known as aerobic simply refer ti the ability to intake oxygen and efficiently deliverer it to the needed needed tissues and organs of the body through engaging in physical actives that ensure effective pumping of the blood to distribution of oxygen
When the muscles are subjected to a particular resistance or force,the ability if the muscles to contract continuously against this specific resistance is muscular endurance.
when the need arise toi describe movements at joint,the term used is flexibility This is important in physical fitness ,it aids balancing ,coordination of movements and agility.
Answer: If he's your friend then you should know who they truly are, and how to truly respond. So simply say, "You're not ready to go" Or "You're just not feeling it." Also depending on your reasoning for not wanting to go, I can't truly explain. But if you don't want to go, just because you don't want to go, It's easy as "Maybe next time" Or "Not today."