The answer is D: around 1915
The type of listening realized by Bob is:
- Active listening.
In the situation mentioned could apply two types of listening:
1. <em>Empathic listening:</em> Where the listener can put himself in someone else's shoes.
2. <em>Active listening:</em> Where the listener understand the meaning of the told and make feedback.
Despite the two options could be correct, in the empathic listening Bob just listen to the case, could put himself in the inmate's shoes but this doesn't benefit the inmate, instead, when Bob realizes the description of the empathic listening but also give a feedback about the listened and, possibly, an advice, <em>the inmate feels </em><u><em>supported</em></u>, how the paragraph mentions.
On April 21st, 1836 the Battle of San Jacinto ended, and under Sam Houston the Texans successfully defeated General Santa Anna. This final victory secured the independence of Texas as a republic!
The answer is: attribution
attribution is the process of inferring the causes of events or behaviors.
John Locke devoted much of his time in writing philosophy and political thoughts and ideologies. He insisted that human mind is a blank slate which gains knowledge from the information provided by the five senses.
he puts firth that simple ideas are created from the experiences and complex ideas created in mind which converts the simple ideas into complex. he also states that primary qualities of an object is fixed and does not subject to change whereas the secondary qualities are subjected to change because it depends largely on one's perception
In his book an essay concerning human understanding he states that there exist some ideas which are innate and are accompanied from the birth. Therefore such innate ideas can be understood as universal truths. He says that such innate ideas cannot be obtained from experience or perception and such innate ideas are set by the supreme creator.