d. Mesosystem
Bronfenbrenner developed the ecological systems theory in the 1970s and according to the theory, Mesosystem refers to a system where children are affected by both the close relationships and the close environment in which they develop. Hence, when one of the two are disturbed it tend to affect the others. Like if things are not good at school or school environment is not good then it will affect the child's behavior with parents and at home. Similarly, here parents' divorce has affected behavior in school hence home and school environments are part of Mesosystem.
Gender schema encourages stereotyping due to the teachings of the customs/traditions of the cultures they’re brought up in. for example, some cultures like in the middle-east teach children that women should stay in the house, cook, clean & be modest, whereas other cultures such as switzerland, denmark, and sweden teach children that women have the same rights as men and can live the lifestyle she wishes to live. this encourages stereotyping as some cultures stereotype a persons gender and automatically give them “roles” due to their gender.
Introspection, Titchener
Introspection is a process through which a person looking inwards and examines one's thoughts, feelings. It a controlled and well structured and scientific way to express one's feelings thought. It is a self-observation experiment. It was first developed by William Wundt. Wundt gives training to the people and observes to analyze the content of their thoughts.
Edward Titchener is a wundt student who also utilizes this technique. In some way, he used the wundt technique in a wrong manner. Wundt was interested in showing the conscious experience of a person but Titchener was interested in breaking the mental components of a person. It is a great source of self-knowledge (introspection). Even it provides a piece of knowledge about a person which is not possible in another way.