The correct answer is D viruses that enter a lysogenic cycle do not immediately kill a host cell.
Lysogenic cycle is carried out by lambda phage which integrate its DNA with the genome of bacteria resulting in the formation of prophage.
The phage DNA replicate along with bacterial DNA and exist in this form for a period of time until the phage DNA recognizes any type of mutation such as exposure to ultraviolet ray which helps the lambda phage to enter the lytic cycle.
B. meiosis
Meiosis is the process that produces our gametes. A cell that undergoes meiosis will divide twice resulting into 4 haploid daughter cells.
First of all, the most common type of CNS neuron is the multipolar neuron meaning it has many dendrites and dendritic branches, a cell body or soma, and a single axon. The information flow through this neurons starting from receiving multiple impulses from multiple synapses since this kind of neurons has many dendrites. The signal will then flow in an anterograde manner meaning the multiple signals will flow towards the cell body or the soma to be integrated. Next is that the integrated signal will flow to the neuron's axon to be transmitted to other neurons.
Oxygen is needed to help the process of turning glucose into ATP. The initial step releases just two molecules of ATP for each glucose. The later steps release much more ATP. Most of the reactions of cellular respiration are carried out in the mitochondria.
They're called anastomoses