Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection can explain how antibiotics are becoming defective because the bacteria that is trying to be fought off might have had a mutation making it more likely to survive. Once that surviving bacteria makes offspring most of the first generation will die from the antibiotic but soon all of their offspring will produce a resistance to that antibiotic.
Active transport is the movement of dissolved molecules into or out of a cell through the cell membrane, from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration. The particles move against the concentration gradient , using energy released during respiration .
Answer: a. dead organisms from the marine food web.
c. liberation through ATP hydrolysis in living organisms.
Upwelling is a wind driven motion of lower bottom nutrient rich and warmer water on the surface of the water body. This wind driven motion facilitates the movement of nutrients available for growth of primary producers like phytoplanktons growing on the surface of water body. The dead organisms from the marine food web get decomposed and the organic matter obtain after decomposition is a rich source of phosphorous. This phosphorous gets transferred to the upper layers of the water body by upwelling. In aquatic organisms ATP hydrolysis occurs which is a catabolic process that uses water to split the bonds present in the ATP molecule and hence, releases energy for functions performed by them along with a release in phosphate atom. This phosphate gets mixed with the water. Therefore, PO32 come from dead organisms from the marine food web and liberation through ATP hydrolysis in living organisms that circulates due to upwelling.
A symbiotic relationship in which one organism can take
advantage and the other is not harmed The treehopper-ant mutualism becomes
parasitic in years when spiders are rare, because the treehoppers no longer
derive a large benefit but pay a fitness cost.