The victorious European states, including the United Kingdom, France, Greece, and Italy, partitioned much of the Middle East after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. In addition to Iraq and Palestine, the United Kingdom acquired present-day Jordan. The lands of present-day Turkey were separated from Greece, Italy, and France. (Might to re-word in your own words)
with what? there's no image
Answer: Canada follows a parliamentary system while the US follows a presidential one.
The Amazon rainforest in Brazil lost an area about 12 times the size of New York City from August 2018 through July of this year, according to government data released Monday, which shows that deforestation in the biome has shot up significantly since the election of President Jair Bolsonaro.
The 3,769 square miles of forest cover lost during that period represents a 30 percent increase from the previous year and the highest net loss since 2008.
While there are always multiple direct and indirect drivers of deforestation, the largest contributors in Brazil, by far, are cattle ranching, demand for commodities, and logging (Butler, 2019). Cattle ranching is, as it sounds, the issue of large areas of forest being destroyed for cattle farms. This relates to the demand for commodities, as Brazil is the largest exporter of beef in the world (Yale University, 2015). The other largest commodity in the Brazilian Amazon is soybeans. In fact, Brazil is the largest exporter of soybeans in the world (Simoes et al., 2011). Soybeans require large plots of land in order to be farmed, and this land is obtained largely through deforestation. Lastly, logging, the process of obtaining wood for timber and other uses, is a very large contributor to deforestation.
The reasons as to why the Indo-Europeans migrated to Europe were the better climate conditions, more grazing land and fertile soil, and overpopulation.
The Indo-Europeans were a group of people that formed and lived in the Eurasian Steppes, mostly in the lowlands of what is now Central Asia. Central Asia though was not offering the best living conditions, as the climate was harsh, fertile soil, was lacking, the grazing lands were limited, and the population of the Indo-Europeans was constantly growing. This made numerous groups of these people to migrate in several waves toward other regions, including Europe.
Being a war-like people and superior in combat, the Indo-Europeans found it easy to move into the European territories and settle in. The migration waves were mostly going through the lowlands north of the Black Sea, and through Anatolia and the Balkan Peninsula. Very quickly the Indo-Europeans managed to become dominant in Europe, establish their culture, language, and beliefs.
The main reason for migration were:
- overpopulation
- better grazing lands
- fertile soil
- better climate
Ethnic families that are believed to have originated from the Indo-Europeans are:
- Celtic people
- Germanic people
- Slavic people
- Baltic people
- Italic people
- Daco-Thracian people
- Illirian people etc.
Learn more about the Indo-Europeans