In 1765, Stamp Act Congress was the group of American colonists that protested "taxation without representation" by sending a protest to the British king. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "a". The meeting was held between 7th to 25th of October in the year 1765.
Water could be considered a resource, a mineral, an expensive and vital enterprise to life and various other purposes, also might have catalysed the formation of life on earth.
Water is a vital source for many functions such as the earth's temperature, humidity, biogeochemical cycles and other roles.
B.The government's interest rates were really high.
<span>borrowing money was challenging for the U.S. government after the War of 1812 because the government's interest rates were really high, and after having spent money for a war, spending other money for a loan with high interest were challenging, as the money available from the U.S. government was not so much at that point.</span>
Civil rights and Vietnam--SDS or Students for a Democratic Society fought for civil rights issues and protested against the Vietnam War.
SDS were mostly a youth movement using protests as a means to address the issues important to them. It was centered on college campuses and fought for civil rights for many marginalized groups. They also actively protested against the Vietnam War.
Number on you can tell by what site you are on if you are on Wikipedia you cant trust it. number two if it has .org you can trust it couse it give accurate information number three if you know what some of the facts are you can tell if they are true or not on the website.