<u>Similarities between US bill of rights and the declaration of the rights of man:</u>
The Declaration of the Rights of Man was an act in France. The National Constituent Assembly set up act this by the year 1789. It is a civil and human rights document derived at the French Revolution's end. This French Revolution removed the hierarchy class over the people by this declaration and formed equality within the people.
Bill of Rights - it was the 10 amendments that passed in 1791 that provided rights in the term of freedom for speech, worship, assembly, and press. This Bill of Rights protected each people in the country by creating a democratic government. These two principles were drafted to protect the natural or general rights of the people.
William Jennings Bryan’s major contribution to the American political policy was that he was able to help in pushing or making it possible for the party politics to be back to the economic arena and in addition, it was not from the divisions of the sectionalism.