Musa went on hajj to Mecca in 1324, and traveled with an enormous entourage and a vast supply of gold. En route, he spent time in Cairo, where his lavish gift-giving caused a noticeable drop in the price of gold for over a decade and garnered the attention of the wider Muslim world
The RMS Lusitania was a ship that sailed from New York and had American civilians in - at that point the US was neutral in the WWI -, when the ship came to the sight of the Irish Coast the German U-boat attacked it.
Despite the fact that Americans were horrified at the Lusitania attack, many Americans did not like the idea to enter the war, Irish Americans did not enjoy the idea of helping Britain because the country denied Ireland its independence, German Americans were sympathetic towards their ancestral homeland and Americans saw no reason to enter into a war between European powers. The US only entered war two and a half years after it started.

Thomas Paine published Common Sense in 1776. He wrote this with one purpose: independence.
He hoped that his pamphlet would stir up feelings of discontent and anger to convince more colonists to join the movement of independence. He knew American independence was necessary and inevitable, but was also aware that more support translated to better results.
So he didn't think independence was impossible, uncertain, or illegal, but he suggested it was <u>just a matter of time.</u>
There is little to no competition. Monopolies basically dominated whatever market they were in leaving little to no room for other companies.
Maize, or corn, was crucial for the survival and thriving not only of the early Americans but of modern Americans too.
Maize is easily grown, easily stored, easily transported, and is a good source of food and calories.
So, maize allowed farmers to easily grow food and stockpile reserves for tough years.