C) gravity because gravity compresses the start into the most compact shape possible
I didn’t copy
My answer:
Despite the fact that everybody realizes that seawater is pungent, not many realize that even little varieties in sea surface saltiness (i.e., convergence of broke down salts) can effectsly affect the water cycle and sea flow. Since Earth's commencement, certain cycles have served to make the sea pungent. The enduring of rocks conveys minerals, including salt, into the sea. Dissipation of sea water and arrangement of ocean ice both increment the saltiness of the sea. Anyway these "saltiness raising" factors are ceaselessly offset measures that decline saltiness, for example, the nonstop contribution of new water from streams, precipitation of downpour and day off, liquefying of ice.
I hope that helped you a lot
Uh yeah they can but they dont know what he looks like look in the bible and it discribes what he could look like
That's a "Tropical Storm".
It's not a "hurricane" until winds are up around 100 km/hr.
The three main types of volcanoes are as follows:
1. Composite volcanoes: These are also called as strato volcanoes. These are steep and formed by the layers of ashes and lava. The eruption from these volcanoes is in the form of pyroclastic flow. The pyroclastic flow is in the form of superheated mixture which consists of rock dust, ash, and hot steam. These volcanoes can rise above the 8000 feet. These are found in the destructive plate margins. Example of these volcanoes include the Mount Fuji in Japan.
2. Shield Volcanoes: These volcanoes are low and they have gentle sloping sides. These are formed by the layers of lava. Their eruption of lava is non-explosive. These produces the fast flowing fluids that can flow to many miles. These can destroy the nearby surrounding regions can cause injury and even death. These volcanoes are found in the region of constructive boundaries and also at the volcanic hotspots. The examples of shield volcanoes include the Maunaloa on Hawaii.
3. Dome volcanoes: These are also called as acid lava cones as these emit acid which is much thicker than that of the lava. These have steeper sides as compared to the shield volcanoes. The lava is thick and sticky as a result of this it cannot flow to far region and it cools and solidifies. The example of dome volcanoes include the Puy de Dome of Auvergne, France.