It is important for scientists to remain open minded about information that they come across in their experiments, so that they do not become biased about the result. it can always happen that the results that come out are contrary to what the scientist expected. It is important to openly accept that the scientists prediction was wrong.
Los volcanes Villarrica, Llaima, Volcán Osorno, Chillán (en Chile), Nevado de Colima, Volcán Ceboruco, Popocatépetl (en México)ejemplos de estratovolcanes
Which of the following bio molecules typically contains both nitrogen and phosphate?
The answer to this question would be nucleic acids. That is because they contain a phosphate base and a nitrogen group.
Answer: Climate change would affect the ocean ecosystem, when heat rises due to greenhouse gases, the ocean would absorb more heat, which can result an increase temperature on the ocean's surface.