Let's start with understanding the term: human trafficking means trade in humans often for the purpose of sexual exploitation or, forced labor. In 2005 global annual profit from human trafficking was estimated for $31.6bn.
I believe that human trafficking is so difficult to stop mostly because of its profitability for traffickers, brothel owners, madams etc. Another factor is social alienation and stigmatisation of victims by society. Governments often do not offer enough support for trafficked victims. Finally, the victims are under huge psychological pressure which is often hard to handle and leads to consequences like learned helplessness or Stockholm syndrome.
Answer: First option, ¨people rebelled and wanted to leave the communist country, but they could´nt
Both India and China were mostly communist states, with centralized government and strict control of a business.
China opened up its economy by the 1970s and saw unprecedented growth, which many economists say, might never again be repeated by another country.
China worked on an export-based model and mass production of products using cheap labor. Today over 40% of the country's GDP comes from Manufacturing while the sectors of Industry and Construction account for 48% of the GDP.
India is just starting to grow but it has an economy which is only 1/5th the size of China's. India has a more service-based economy which brings in billions of dollars but is not able to create the same amount of jobs that the manufacturing sector can.
57% of India's GDP is based on the services sector and BPO and software development is their biggest industry.
Answer: Russia
Russai was a part of NATO in that era.
Yes. McCarthy played a big role in that.