Tens of thousands of years ago, the first Americans crossed a historic land link that connected Siberia in Russia to Alaska.
Native Americans, Canadian First Nations, and Alaska Natives are all considered to be Indigenous Americans. For many years, archaeologists believed that the Clovis people, who are believed to have arrived in the New World some 13,000 years ago from northern Asia, were the first Americans. However, recent archeological discoveries have shown that humans arrived in the Americas thousands of years earlier. These findings have caused people to reevaluate these explorers' origins, dates of arrival, and routes into the New World, along with genetic and geological insights.
The first Americans and their offspring were resourceful explorers who populated the largest area of land ever inhabited by mankind. They braved the unknown and expertly adapted to a huge variety of environments on two continents.
Learn more about the First Americans here
The Battle of Antietam was the most pivotal event of the Civil War as it erased the threat of European recognition of the Confederate States of America (CSA) and was the impetus needed for the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation . What happened before Antietam General George B. McClellan , from the Matthew Brady Studio.
La divisoria continental de América (Continental Divide of the Americas), o simplemente la divisoria Continental o Gran Divisoria (Great Divide), es el nombre dado a la principal, y en gran parte montañosa, divisoria hidrológica de América, que separa, a un lado, las cuencas que desaguan en el océano Pacífico, y del otro, primero los sistemas fluviales que desaguan en el océano Atlántico (incluidos los que drenan a través del golfo de México o el mar Caribe), y, después (en la parte norte de la divisoria), los sistemas fluviales que desaguan en el océano Ártico (incluyendo los que desaguan tanto en el Atlántico como en el Ártico, vía bahía de Hudson).
Aunque existen otras divisorias continentales en Norteamérica, la Gran Divisoria es, con mucho, la más destacada, ya que tiende a seguir una línea de altas cumbres a lo largo de las principales cordilleras de las Montañas Rocosas, en Estados Unidos y Canadá, y continúa hacia el sur, llegando a Sudamérica a través de la cordillera de los Andes, y concluyendo finalmente al sur de Tierra del Fuego.