Just try to make it as imaginable as possible let your readers feel and see what you are writing to them
For question 1, I believe it is B.
For question 2, I think it is B too.
I might get this wrong tho.
Answer and Explanation:
Does learning about gender stereotypes helps you in understanding other person's individuality?
No. Individuality is the character and personality of a person and what is unique to them that differentiates them from other people. Gender stereotype is the belief that a gender group should behave and/or perform a particular role in society. Therefore individuality and gender stereotypes are two different topics that do not complement the other.
What are the effects of gender stereotyping on you?
Somewhat indifferent to it and yet unconsciously yielding to most of its effects. Example, the idea of patriarchy and it's importance to the male gender role.
Can jobs like caregiver nurse and cook applicable to any gender why?
Yes. It is mostly believed that the female gender is more suitable to care giving roles.
1 find the most reasonable one the think if this right then if you think it not repeat that processes until you are satisfied with your choice. Or don't read lol