Similarities Between Rugby and Football Perhaps the greatest similarity between the two sports is how players prevent their opponents from progressing down the field. Both football and rugby require a player to bring their opponent to the ground by tackling them, making the two sports among the most physical games in the world. oblong shaped ball, have to reach other teams “end zone” can kick through uprights for 3pts differences: rugby has no padding. Rugby must have passes sideways or backwards (not forwards) rugby has two 40 minute halves that count upwards like soccer.
In strophe 1, the imagery used by the chorus conveys its meaning in clear terms.
The imagery used by the chorus leader has diverse meaning attached to it. It shows that the images have their different tones and attitudes when viewed by different people.
It means to favor one arty over the other.
Gertrude Stein, patron of the arts, was a voluble conversationalist when artists and writers visited her Paris apartment in the 1920s and 1930s.
Form google dict., voluble means <em></em><span><em>Speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently.</em></span>