Excuse me, but what poem are you talking about?
We are being asked to declare a variable, thus, we can use "PrintWriter" that is suitable for referring to an object that provides methods for writing to a text file.
On how to use it, we can define it such as
Output.printIn ="hi";
The word koran is both misspelled and is not capitalized. It should be spelled Qur'an.
Rule 1! HAVE FUN!
The Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. That is, you shouldn't be rude or offensive, nor should you threaten or physically/verbally abuse anyone.
Follow Rachel's Challenge.
Don't be exclusive, be inclusive, be extrinsic, be extensive, be wild, respectful, and joyful!
Work hard in school.
YESSSSSSSS . How old are you? I’m 16. Also what’s your hobbies ?