The BasicSet 2 class implements the Set ADT by wrapping an object of the Linked Collection class and forwarding" all method calls except certain calls to the add method.
ADGH AVFH VVBLA FDHLAVRGLBHSRGLHFSgh HGK g gH G avoshhbv so bhsf vhbfsb gfsb gb gh g hhow gw
The answer to this question as follows:
1) False
2) False
3) True
The description of the above option as follows
- In option 1, A single character variable must be contained in one quote mark, but it is based on the alphabet, which is a specific device, and the price of a continued character varies from one device to another, that's why it is false.
- In option 2, This option is wrong because in assembly language the identifier value must not exceed the length than 247 characters.
- In option 3, It is correct because in the variable declaration the first char should be a letter, _, @ or $letter. A total of 1-247 characters. The default case is insensitive.