Don't click on this I am testing... I want the points so.
The industry I chose is the fashion industry and how web design has made an impact on that industry are:
- It often impact the visual style of cloths.
- It has helped in making of nice and good cloth design.
- It aid in design and visual effect of its product.
<h3>What is the impact of web design?</h3>
Web design is known to be a key parts of Internet marketing strategy as it helps in digital customer experience in a lot of ways.
The skill needed are:
- Visual design
- The use of Design software.
- JavaScript, etc.
Therefore, The industry I chose is the fashion industry and how web design has made an impact on that industry are:
- It often impact the visual style of cloths.
- It has helped in making of nice and good cloth design.
- It aid in design and visual effect of its product.
Learn more about fashion industry from
Since no language was specified, this will be written in Python.
n1, n2, n3 = input ("Enter three names: ").split()
A. While new media is dependent on whether users function in real-time or delayed mode, feedback is not as timely when communication is asynchronous.
Asynchronous communication can be defined as a data communication technique in which exchange of data between a sender and a recipient isn't in real time.
There's usually a time lag, meaning it doesn't require the recipient to respond immediately.
For example, responding to an email or text several hours later.