The correct answer is D; Both main characters do not listen to warnings from their parents and cause trouble.
In the movie Finding Nemo, his father warns him to stay away from the edge of the reef. Nemo deliberately disobeyed him and caused the whole story which made up the movie "Finding Nemo."
The same goes for the book "Little Red Riding Hood." Her mother and father warn her to stick to the designated path, and to not talk to strangers. She does exactly both, and her actions cause the demise of her dear grandmother.
Answer: Like the activists of the Civil Rights Movement, their goal was complete racial equality. The main difference between the two movements was that supporters of Black Power were prepared to use violent methods to achieve these goals. Proponents of the Black Power Movement did not constitute a homogenous group. Malcolm X then served as the public face of the organization for a dozen years, where he advocated for Black empowerment, Black supremacy, and the separation of black and white Americans, and publicly criticized the mainstream civil rights movement for its emphasis on nonviolence and racial integration.