The program displays 5 4 3 2 1 and then raises an Array Index Out Of Bounds Exception.
A sample of code output is attached.
The code snippet contain xMethod that takes an array and array length as argument.
In the given snippet, the array {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and length (5) is passed as argument to the method.
First the method display the element of the array in reverse order
System.out.print(" " + x[length - 1]);
and then the method call itself again. This displays
5 from x[4]
4 from x[3]
3 from x[2]
2 from x[1]
1 from x[0]
but after displaying 1, when it tries to call the method again, an array index out of bound exception is thrown because it will try accessing an element from the array when it is already exhausted.
The form feed character code is defined as 12 (0xC inbhexademical), and may be represented as control+L or^L. In a related use, control+L can be used to clear the screen in Unix shells such as bash. In the C programming language ( and other languages derived from C ), the form feed character is represented as '\f'.
Software for personal computers is typically developed and distributed independently from the hardware or operating system manufacturers. Many personal computer users no longer need to write their own programs to make any use of a personal computer, although end-user programming is still feasible. This contrasts with mobile systems, where software is often only available through a manufacturer-supported channel. And end-user program development may be discouraged by lack of support by the manufacturer.