Technical writing is writing that is done for the purpose of educating, informing or directing someone on how to do something. Technical writing is significantly different than other types of writing such as narrative, because technical writing is intended to impart to the reader some specific skill or ability. Technical writing isn't for everyone. It is often very detail-oriented and usually involves writing within fields where some advanced knowledge is required. When given a technical writing assignment, it also must be approached in a certain way in order for you to be successful. but i would have to go with c- e commerce
This command opens the file which is passed to it as an argument. We are quite used to the C++'s cin and cout functions contained in iostream library for reading and writing data, however, when working will real-life stuff, we find ourselves working with huge data saved as separate files and require our programs to read them, manipulate them and possibly write back to the files... The first operation usually carried out before a file can be read or written to is open
background-color: (Color)
This is actually CSS coding, as you would code it like:
Body {
background-color: (Color)
The print_shape() is an illustration of Python function; whose execution is carried out when the function is called
<h3>The print_shape() function</h3>
The print_shape() function written in Python, where comments are used to explain each action is as follows:
#This defines the function
def print_shape():
#The following iteration is repeated three times
for i in range(3):
#This prints the *** in each iteration
#This calls the function
Read more about Python functions at: