The Archaic Period saw the development of the foundations of Egyptian society, including the all-important ideology of kingship. To the ancient Egyptians, the king was a godlike being, closely identified with the all-powerful god Horus. The earliest known hieroglyphic writing also dates to this period.
When the United States entered World War Two, There two allies of Germany were Italy and Japan. Mussolini and Hitler had met and signed a treaty,same with japan.
Monsoon winds made trading across the Indian Ocean easier because they made trading more predictable and less dangerous. Without the monsoons when people could only rely sails and ors there was the possibility that their goods wouldn't make it on time and would go bad, or that the ship we sink.
Mit'a was effectively a form of tribute to the Inca government in the form of labor, i.e. a corvée. In the Incan Empire, public service was required in community-driven projects such as the building of their extensive road network. Military service was also mandatory