The World War II bc after the world war II, the British did not enough financial strength to took care of the problems in india anymore, beside that there are a lot of violent revolution toward the colonist that happen after the war
We can point out two driving forces: National Independence movements and the end of WWII. During this period, great leaders such as Gandhi grew in influence. Gandhi's affinity for the poor made him able to convert the cause of Indian independence from an elite movement to a mass movement. Beginning in the 1920s, British controlled India started to give Indians some sense of autonomy, giving back to the natives the control of areas in the education, economy and public work. With the animosity of WWII, the Indian people saw themselves divided. Indians in general contributed heavily for the war cause, but the Indian National Congress opposed the war, and a minority of Indians joined the Japanese side. With the end of WWII, Britain,s new government considered India's independence, but because of the disagreements between Muslims and Hindus, the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League divided India into two states: India and Pakistan.