Internal terrorism and external terrorism both pose a great threat, but terrorism carried out by the United State's own citizens can be much more harmful in the long run. My favorite quote about this is nerdy, but it's from Captain America: Civil War and is stated by the true antagonist of the movie, "An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead... forever." We as a people can rally against an outside threat and rise from whatever they may do to us, but we become exponentially weaker if we must rally against those within our own borders. That's just kinda my opinion.
Trade between native American communities and Europeans began in the 16th century up to the late 19th century. It was important for the creation and maintenance of trade relations with the new colonists. Besides, the native Americans helped the new settlers by teaching them skills needed for cultivating the land as well as hunting. Furthermore, the native cultures benefited from the colonists knowledge of the creation of wealth by means of capital (land), labor and entrepreneurship. In addition, they shared cultural knowledge and learnt the customs from both sides.
Many things happened before Hawaii's Annexation.
Gold Rush, Presidential election of William Mckinley, economic depression, and the World's Fair.
An analysis by Vote Leave finds that the costs of EU membership outweighs the benefits of the Single Market.