Odysseus has many strengths, such as courage, intelligence, nobility, confidence and ambition; however, he also has weaknesses such as a love of glory, severe pride, a quick temper and a lack of patience. Odysseus is a character in Homer's "The Odyssey," which is an epic with multiple "books" or chapters.
Hi. Although you submitted a text, you did not submit any questions related to it. This prevents me from giving you any answers. However, when searching for your text on the internet, I was able to find it in a question that asked for the central idea of this text to be explained. If that's the case with your question, I hope the answer below can help you. If this is not the case with your question, the explanation below will make you better understand the text above, which will make your search for answers easier.
The main idea of a text is the message that the author expects you to understand after reading. After reading the text above, we can see that the main idea is the idea of how participation in a jury should be understood as something important and essential in our lives as citizens. This is because, according to the interpretation of the text, the author shows that the participation of a jury gives an example to children and young people, about how this participation is important and it is a social duty that allows the exercise of justice in the country. This is a duty to the country, society and citizens. Thus, when a citizen refuses the call to participate in a jury, he erases all the importance that this act means for everyone's life and acts as if the jury were something trivial, setting a bad example for the next generations.
Some methods that can help improve the inferences of a text are:
- Use context clues.
- Make summaries.
- Write the most important topics.
- Analyze research sources.
Inferences are conclusions that we can draw from a text after reading it. While some texts can easily make inferences, other texts can be more complex. In this case, it is necessary that some methods are used to help the reader understand the text better and thus provide a good inference.
For both literary texts and informative texts, the use of context clues is very efficient, as context clues prevent the flow of reading from being broken, as they allow the reader to understand difficult or unknown words through the context of the sentence or the paragraph to which these words are related. Other efficient methods for these two types of texts are the elaboration of summaries and the listing of the most important topics presented in the text.
Analyzing research sources, on the other hand, will only be efficient in informative texts, as it allows the information in that text to be extended, as research sources present more complete and comprehensive information and can facilitate the process of completing the text.
I assume you are referring to Chapter 11 of "Frankenstein". The creature stays so long by the fire pit because he had never seen fire before, and it is a great relief to him to finally get warm. He examines the fire, finds out that it burns when touched, realizes that it is made of wood, and that the roots which he eats taste much better when roasted. He does his best to maintain the fire, but he has to leave it in search of food. Finally, when he leaves it, he "laments" because he doesn't know how to make fire again.
Kind of Asking like : <u>What was Madam Walker's attitude to business</u>
Madam walker developing a multilevel-marketing model that, essentially, made agents owners. Agent could buy Walker products wholesale, sell them at retail, and own and grow her own book of business. She could spend and save her profits. Walker also could give some to her church and community, as modeled by Walker herself. “I am not merely satisfied in making money for myself,” Walker said, “for I am endeavoring to provide employment for hundreds of women of my race.”