Answer: In 1865, when the US government passed the 13th Amendment, ultimately outlawing slavery.
There is not right or wrong answer for these questions. I would have dinner with Athena the God of wisdom and military victory (Parents are Zeus and Métis) because she would be interesting to sit down and to chat with over her victories and accomplishments in life.
I would say the Gods of inspiration Muse would be suited for president because she would aspire everyone to be better as a person.
A consul held the highest elected political office of the Roman Republic (509 to 27 BC), and .... During times of war, the primary qualification for consul was military skill and ... to the 3rd century, the people were still called on to ratify the Senate's selections. .... The consuls also served as the chief diplomat of the Roman state.
The Fort Peck tribes wanted to save some of these buffalo and bring them back to tribal land, to their place at the center of tribal life. So the moved them to the Native American tribes so the buffalo could be under protection