C, Minerva disguises him as an old beggar. The idea is that he wants to go unrecognized when he returns home to his people. You can figure that he's an old beggar based on phrases like "a man of miseries" and "uncouth".
However, if you have trouble reading older texts, websites like Sparknotes and Shmoop are great for getting summaries.
citing evidence from the text to support the conclusion
analyzing the organizational structure of the text
distinguishing between key details and minor details
Convection current
Convection currents occur when a heated fluid expands, becoming less dense, and rises. The fluid then cools and contracts, becoming more dense, and sinks
Hot air rises because when you heat air (or any other gas for that matter), it expands. When the air expands, it becomes less dense than the air around it. The less dense hot air then floats in the more dense cold air, the cold air due to its greater density moves downward, and the cycle continues, this upward and downward movement is called convection current.
The western media talked about the film a lot because it created a real buzz