Radical Republicans responded by stripping the supreme court of its power.
Act of 1867, and the Radical Republicans responded by stripping the Supreme Court of its power to hear appeals involving that act. Congress again overrode Johnson’s veto, and in 1869 the court dismissed the case, stating that it lacked jurisdiction.
Abram era un hombre muy fiel a Dios, el mas fiel do todos. Dios uso a Abram para que su descendencia fuera de miles de millones de descendientes y entre esos esta el gran rey David, y el mismo messias Jesus.
En Genesis 15:5 Dios le dice esto a Abram, "... y le dijo: Mira ahora los cielos, y cuenta las estrellas, si las puedes contar. Y le dijo: Así será tu descendencia."
La promesa de Dios para Abram se ha cumplido y tal vez hasta se siga cupliendo.
A democracy allow ppl to select the leader n also determine wat goes in the market while a communist is ruled by committee n govt controls the economy. People also have more freedom in a democracy while ppl are supposed to have more fairness in a communist govt but it is not always true. personally i prefer democracy.
FDR's new deal program was a series of programs to help the United States. These included public work projects and financial reforms. The overall goal was to improve the quality of life in U.S by helping reform wall street, give jobs, and get better social security.