Portugal was originally only concerned about establishing forts and trading posts so as to protect the sea route to Asia. As time progressed, they began to see the benefit of establishing more permanent settlements. These permanent settlements would result in the expansion of their political influence. The exploration idea of God, Glory, and Gold also fit. The more permanent settlements would allow the Portuguese missionaries to also further expand and share their beliefs with the African Peoples.
The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and The Noble Eightfold Path.
Your answers should be "Idols were broken" and "Altars of false worshiop were destroyed."
The tournament began in 1882 with the name of Four Nations (Home Unions), since only England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland participated. By contrast France joined the tournament in 1910, so the tournament went from being the Four Nations to the Five Nations.
The tournaments served to keep the knight in shape in times of peace, which was complemented by hunting, as well as collective training to improve combat techniques that would have to occur in war, especially after the generalization of the charge. frontal.