The presidents most important is other characteristics can be business or the laws the president makes, how the president wants to make sure the world is okay and is on track. no conflict on wars or any nuclear wars starting. a president that is fair, with equality, of religion, points of views and etc
Second two party system (1828 - 1854)
The Second Party System refers to a political system in the United States between 1828 and 1854, which was characterized by the dominance of two parties, the Democratic and the Whig parties, as well as an increase in citizen participation in politics and elections.
The First Party System, which existed roughly between 1792 - 1824, collapsed during the presidential elections of 1824 with the split of the then ruling Democratic-Republican party, with 4 candidates of the same party running for president. In the years between both systems, political parties pretty much disappeared from the public eye. However, Andrew Jackson, who was a very popular politician, created the Democratic Party and won the 1828 presidential election. The creation of the Whig Party in 1832 gave rise to the other element of the Second Party System.
However, the New Republican Party, which remained a minor party during much of this time, finally rose to prominence after the collapse of the Whig Party in 1852. By this time, the Third Party System, which existed until the end of the century, was characterized by the dominance of the New Republican and Democratic parties.
'have not been touched by the spirit of God'
C)they did not live in cities
D) they did not know how to read
Plato contends we are all made of the same three parts yet not all have the parts aligned in a healthy balance. The result is that greed, ambition, and foolishness rule in these unbalanced people. Plato lived through the democratic period in Athens' government and through the oligarchy period when the conquering Spartans installed the wealthy oligarchists as rulers of Athens, a move that unleashed a fierce retribution of bloodshed upon the unseated democratic rulers.
Plato rejected the rule of the mistake prone and seemingly unreasoning democratic faction and equally rejected the oligarchic rule of the retaliatory wealthy elite. After a period of seclusion, Plato wrote the Republic. In it he describes human nature and uses human nature (as he described it) as a metaphor and template for a reasonable government.
He assigns ruling authority to those who have a functioning alignment and balance between their three constituent parts and a dominant dedication to the highest: (1: lowest) love of money (laboring and merchants classes), (2: middle-most class) love of honor (military), and (3: highest) love of wisdom ("scientists, scholars, high-level experts, and similar sophisticates" [Jorn K. Bramann]).
His idea is that the two models he has seen don't work, so a third is needed. That third model is to make a government out of those who have the best minds by virtue of being best trained, best informed and best balanced (in the quote below, take note of and understand the "or"):
Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit and power of philosophy, ... cities will never have rest from their evils. (Republic)