They are both planets lol
A dynasty is a sequence of rulers from the same family, usually in the context of a feudal or monarchical system, but sometimes also appearing in republics. Alternative terms for "dynasty" may include "house", "family" and "clan", among others. The longest surviving dynasty in the world is the Imperial House of Japan, otherwise known as the Yamato dynasty, whose reign is traditionally dated to 660 BCE and historically attested from 781 CE.
Correct answer:
<h2>C) South Vietnam was reunited by force with North Vietnam and became a single communist nation.</h2>
The US had been supporting South Vietnam against the communist North Vietnam. Ultimately, US President Richard Nixon proposed drawing down US involvement in the war and seeking "peace with honor," as he put it.
Once the US forces withdrew (after a long, unsuccessful struggle), it was too late for the South Vietnamese to stave off the victory of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces. The US withdrew its forces from Vietnam in 1973. By 1975, Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, fell to the North Vietnamese communist forces. South Vietnam unconditionally surrendered to North Vietnam on April 30, 1975. All of Vietnam became united under communist control.
Spoiler effect
"Minor parties are able to play a "spoiler role" in an election by. taking enough votes away from one of the two major parties to cost its candidate the election. Because <u>"one spoiler candidate's presence in the election draws votes from a major candidate with similar politics, thereby causing a strong opponent of both or several to win. The minor candidate causing this effect is referred to as a spoiler''.</u> Minor parties are able to play a "spoiler role" in an election by. taking enough votes away from one of the two major parties to cost a candidate the election. A minor party is a political party that plays a smaller role because it receive the smaller number of votes during at the election.