This one individual played a great part in creating the industrial north, as well as the plantation south. Eli Whitney's invention made the production of cotton more profitable, and increased the concentration of slaves in the cotton-producing Deep South.
It is TRUE that the conflict between Texan and Mexican troops in Anahuac was triggered by the unwarranted arrest and imprisonment of William B. Travis and Patrick C. Jack, two prominent fighters against the "Siete Leyes" issued by the government.
The changes based on "Siete Leyes" placed all governmental powers in the hands of the Mexican national government led by Santa Anna.
These government changes angered the Mexicans and Americans in Texas, leading to the Texan Revolution and the brief existence of the Texas Republic between 1836 and 1845.
Thus, the arrest of the duo triggered the Texas-Mexico conflict.
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The Dutch East India Company had a mission to explore North America's rivers. Dutch explorers were asked to claim unclaimed areas. The dutch explorers claimed and named the province of New Netherland which was the first Dutch colony in North America. New Netherland was part of what now is New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, and Delaware.
Aldous Manutius