<span>Nationalism in the Balkans and a system of military alliances is the best selection for the major cause of World War One. </span>
The Congress approved the
Central and Southern Florida Project for Flood Control and Other Purposes
(C&SF Project) in 1948. The implementing began in the mid 1950’s, and the
basic structures were finished by the mid 1960’s. Water management in the area
started. When it was finished, lands in the Fareast were protected from
flooding by blocking the flow through a perimeter levee. To the north, the
lands were designed for agriculture, to the west which was the major area was
the water conservation was designated for the National Park and other uses. The
excess was kept in the drainage and released in the ocean.
<span> </span>
During the Suez Crisis President Dwight Eisenhower refused to support the Anglo-French action against Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt. Afterwards his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, became concerned about the growing influence of the Soviet Union in the Middle East.
<span>In January 1957 made a speech in Congress where Eisenhower recommended the use of American forces to protect Middle East states against overt aggression from nations "controlled by international communism". He also urged the provision of economic aid to those countries with anti-communist governments. This new foreign policy became known as the Eisenhower Doctrine. </span>
<span>In April 1957 help was given to King Hussein who was under threat from left-wing groups in Jordan. The following year, 10,000 marines went to the Lebanon to protect President Camille Chamoun from Muslim extremists. These two cases created a great deal of anti-Americanism in the Middle East and in 1959 it was decided that the Eisenhower Doctrine should be brought to an end.</span>
the United States failed to ratify this treaty.
When the protocol was first signed in 1997, president Bill Clinton signed alongside all the other leaders. But Congress didn't ratify it and then in 2001, President George Bush Jr rejected the treaty altogether. Bush claimed that the protocol was inefficient, but did not take any alternative measures.
The protocol went into effect in 2004, but evidence shows it has been unable to curb the emission of CO2.
In 2013 there was another attempt, but this time neither Russia nor the US ratified it.