A President Truman learned of the success of the Manhattan Project
American President Harry Truman made the decision to use the devastating atomic bomb on Japan as a direct response to the Pear Harbor attack on American soil.
The direct result of this was that the Japanese gave their unconditional surrender and the war was ended.
However, the indirect result of the decision to drop the atomic bomb was that President Truman learned of the success of the Manhattan project which was the atomic bomb.
Format: argumentative essay
Topic: Purpose of government
Purpose: To Persuade
The correct answer is B.
Clinton v. New York was a decision enacted by the US Supreme Court in 1998, which stated that the line-item veto violated the Presentment Clause and, therefore, the US Constitution.
The line-item veto had been introduced by the Line Item Veto Act in 1996 and it allowed the chief of the executive power, the President, to veto fragments or provisions of a bill without vetoing the entire bill. In opposition, the Presentment Clause describes the procedure through which bills originating in Congress, become federal US law. Such procedures only contemplate the president's power or rejecting an entire bill.
1- protecting the German motherland
2- German Aryans being the master race
3- Women were only useful for creating more Aryan babies
1- Protecting the German motherland led the Nazis to try to take over the territories they lost in the Treaty of Versailles
2- Race nationalism during WWII had the biggest affect out of anything else that happened in this war. Race nationalism led to 6 million Jewish people getting murdered in concentration camps.
3- The Nazi ideology only included males, and believed that Aryan women should be producing more Aryan children as soon as they can, so those Aryan children can help fight in the war.
In 1804, 12th Amendment to the Constitution made sure that electors designate their votes for president and vice president, but the 12th Amendment leaves in place a tie breaking system established by the Constitution by which the House of Representatives breaks a tie on presidential electoral votes and the Senate breaks a tie on vice presidential electoral votes.
My sister told me this :) but i hope this helps