An explorer is climbing up and rappelling down a series of cliffs and drop-offs. She starts at her base camp, which is on the mi
ddle of a mountain. She begins by rappelling down an 82.5-foot drop-off and then climbs a cliff of 30.4 feet. Next she rappels down a 45.5-foot drop-off and then climbs a 25.2-foot cliff.Finally she makes two 45.4-foot climbs. Part A: How far above or below her base camp is the explorer now?
162.8 above her camp site she starts at the middle and drops 82.5 and then climbs 30.4 which puts her at 52.1 then by her repelling down another 45.5 drop she then proceeds to climb 25.2 which puts her at 72.4 and if you multiplie 45.4 by 2 it counts for the extra 90.4 drop which then concludes her climb to be bellow her site by 162.8 and the 1st word is supposed to be bellow my bad.