The word root ambi- means both
You can figure out the meaning of the word "ambidextrous" by looking at the part where Carlos sprained his right wrist, but was still able to throw accurately with his left. Since he could still throw with great accuracy with his left hand, it basically means that it did not matter which hand he used since they both have the same throwing accuracy.
The felt a sense of relief. They thought that they would all be saved and liberated.
Dear Principal xyz,
I am not sure if you have noticed or not, but (school name)s sports equipment is completely dilapidated. I, as a student and sports player, am utterly concerned at the condition of the equipment. I’m terrified that one of the students here, or myself, are going to get injured while trying to do what we love. I am hoping that by bringing this to your attention, we could possibly find a way to work out a plan to receive new equipment. I personally believe that we, as hard working sports players, deserve that.
Thank you, kindly, for your time.
Student ID #