If I "weren't" dieting, I "would eat?" that ice cream.
I "won't help" if you won't "talk" to me.
If the weather "were" better, we "would go" to the beach.
If Bob "hadn't fallen", he "could've played" in the match.
We "will leave" as soon as Jack "finishes".
If I "hadn't" fallen asleep, I "could've seen" the end of the film.
If you "want" to succeed, you "will work" harder.
Jargons are special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.
An example is AWOL which is short for "absent without leave," AWOL is military jargon used to describe a person whose whereabouts are unknown.
Therefore jargon is correct.
It honestly depends on the way you look at it. Many different people could have many different answers. In my opinion the apple represents the ability of people to sin and the snake represents people who are bad influences