hen followed an angry altercation; heated passions led to bloodshed; in the tumult Remus ... The more common report is that Remus contemptuously jumped over the newly raised walls and was forthwith killed by the enraged Romulus, who ... The Roman State had now become so strong that it was a match for any of its
\alpha \sin \sqrt{648 \div 444 \times {556 + 845 \sqrt{2552 \times 526} }^{2} }
\alpha \sin \sqrt{648 \div 444 \times {556 + 845 \sqrt{2552 \times 526} }^{2} }
The juxtaposition of peerless landscapes and compelling cities, of modern ... And, of course, they're part of the reason you might want to take a holiday here. ... The mountains of the Yukon or British Columbia, are the equal if not ... trip would see you fly here from Britain and home from Vancouve
Quakers settled in Pennsylvania...founder of William Penn William Penn was the absolute proprietor of Pennsylvania (he held the royal charter) and had pronounced religious tolerance for all. Other colonies were often religiously linked and intolerant of religious views outside narrow limits.
He welcomed Catholics and Quakers among others. Because the Colony was established as a refuge for European Quakers. Pennsylvania was a favorable place to settle: climate, land, port and government. Philadelphia was at the time the best developed city in the continent.
Because the Colony was established as a refuge for European Quakers.
You see, William Penn was a friend of king Charles the second and the king did not want to kill William Penn for being a quaker. So he basicly gave him a grant to find land so he would escape persicution. Then have a place for religious freedom.