recorded on March 31, 2021.
As we know that if there is an accural basis so the revenue is recognized and recorded when it is earned here the receipt of cash is not material for recording the revenue
Since in the given situation, the date of completion of the contract is considered for recording date of revenue as per the accrual basis
So March 31, 2021 should be considered
In this case, the ideal is to reject a task that is not mandatory in your contract. The boss's attitude in this situation was somewhat sexist, as it reduced the professional skills of a female investment analyst to having to be liked and serving coffee to bankers, since the professional was there to make a great professional presentation.
These unprofessional attitudes can be combated with an assertive attitude, without the professional feeling cornered by the possibility of suffering reprisals, but it is by maintaining an ethical, professional attitude and imposing respect, that it is possible for such unethical acts to be combated and not accepted any more. formal work environment.
Answer is the FCAC is greater than the TBC.
Refer below.
A second method for determining the forecasted cost at completion assumes that, regardless of the efficiency rate the project or work package has experienced in the past, the work to be performed on the remaining portion of the project or work package will be done according to budget. If the cumulative actual cost is greater than the cumulative earned value, then: FCAC is greater than the TBC.
Option A
There are primarily three credit bureaus to which the Lenders go namely -
a) TransUnion
b) Equifax
c) Experian
These three agencies are interested in reviewing credit reports before lending any financial aid.
Hence, option A is correct