To add fractions with different denominators you must convert the denominators into the lowest common factor. Aka the multiple they all go into. You then times the numerator by what you timsed the denominator by to make sure they both have the same denominator.
They both go into 10.
4/10+4/10= 8/10. 2 became 4 because 5x2=10.
I hope this helped!
You could also simplify 8/10 into 4/5z
As the water vapor rises up in the air, it condenses, or starts to cool down and turns back into a liquid. Then, droplets of water start to stick together as clouds. When water drops fall from clouds, it is called rain. Sometimes the droplets freeze before they get to the ground and become hail, sleet, or snow
That statement is true I think. not for sure.
Vegetation is influenced by various ecological factors (e.g., precipitation, temperature, light, soil and site conditions) and human disturbance ...