C. the causation in fact and the proximate cause of the injury.
Angela wants to observe the aged. She does not wish to join their activities, so she volunteersto help out at a local nursing home. During her time at the home, she interviews the residentsand carefully records their answers to her questions. She also observes their behavior in different social settings, such as mealtime or planned activities. This illustrates the process of
Field esearch
Field research is a form of research study, in which qualitative data are gathered from the field through, active participation of the researcher among the samples or subjects, which includes direct observation of the reseacher, participants observation, collective disscusion, and qualitative interviews, while the samples are at their natural environment or state.
Hence, in this case, what Angela is doing, is process called FIELD RESEARCH.
The obstacles to developing the ...
Spending and taxation are the two levers available to the government for sitting fiscal policy.