Simple interest means that you only need to find the interest once and then keep adding it on every year. In this case, the interest would be 2.75% of $4000 every year, which is 110.
In 2 years, you'll have 220 because every year you gain 110 in interest.
1. A basic finding of labor economics is that workers who have more experience in the labor force are paid more than workers who have less experience (holding constant the amount of formal education). True
2. This might be the case because people with more experience have usually had more on-the-job training. True
3. Some studies have also found that experience at the same job (called job tenure) has an extra positive influence on wages. Job tenure is valuable because people gain <u>job-specific knowledge</u> that is useful to the firm.
A worker with more experience means more on-the-job training, this drastically increases the worker's value of the marginal product of labor.
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Particulars Amt
Opening Cash 51907
Add: Cash Received (13400+4500) 17900
Less: Payment to supplier 5500
Less: Operating Expenses Paid 48950
Closing Cash Balance 15357
LeCompte Corp.
The profit margin that LeCompte Corp. would need in order to achieve the 15% ROE, holding everything else constant is:
A) 7.57%.
a) Data and Calculations:
Assets = $312,900
Common Equity = Assets = $312,900
Sales for the last year = $620,000
Net income after taxes = $24,655
Expected return on equity (ROE) = 15%
ROE (in amount) = $312,900 * 15% = $46,935
Profit margin = Returns on Equity/ Sales * 100
= $46,935/$620,000 * 100
= 7.57%
b) The expected returns on equity in dollars is equal to the net income. Therefore, we can use the ROE to calculate the profit margin. The profit margin expresses the relationship between sales and profit. It shows the profit made from each dollar sales.
A. True
Bank loans are generally short term for meeting the working capital needs, that depends upon the operating cycle of a company.
Usually that keeps on rotating and extending, as the banks keep on earning interest and the funds are usually not needed, this results in the constant support for business.
Further this facility is only provided to the clients who are performing good and that the clients are viable.
If the balance sheets of the client depicts that they are not financially viable then the bank do not extend the time limits and tries to recover the funds as soon as possible.