Boycott- A Protest
Nonimportation agreement- a boycott which restricted importation of goods to Boston
Militia- Military force of civilians to help army in emergency’s
Minutemen- militiamen who volunteered to serve at minutes notice
Petition- formal written request appealing to authority with respect
Repeal- An action of revoking a law or congressional act
Hope this helps :D
1st question yes second question idk
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis were willing to organize Civil Rights demonstrations despite the high risk of violence to themselves because they know that, the are the only one who can be able to unite the black community in US while pressing for the change the needed.
They are willing to be at the forefront of the protest inorder to encourage others of the need to join the growing community of blacks who are demanding the end to the segregations and other socila injustices in the US.
an enslaved person was defined as someone who could be bought and sold.