C. protective
To protect them from exposure to any chemical whether liquid or airborne from infecting them.
you might want to italicize the questions, like <em>why do so many people follow conspiracy theories </em>and <em>what makes a conspiracy believable?</em>
Check explanation
Complete the sentences with can/can't
A. He CAN make biscuits.
b. He CAN'T play the violin. He CAN play the guitar.
c. Mickey CAN make paintings.
d. Bob CAN cook delicious kangreburguers.
e. They CAN'T cook alone but they CAN cook with their mother.
f. Donald CAN drive a car.
g. They CAN swim.
h. He CAN'T sing. He has a terrible voice! .........
i. He CAN speak German.
I am debating against the motion.
Brain drain refers to the emigration of highly skilled and educated individuals from their countries of origin which are either underdeveloped or developing to developed countries. Developing countries like India which produce millions of graduates in a year and whose per capita income is quite low suffer negatively for this. Brain drain is a problem for developing countries for the following reasons:
1. It results in further weakening of the economy: Skilled workers are trained from the limited resources generated in weak economies. For there to be a balance, they are expected to give back to the economy. When this does not happen there is a further weakening of the economy which, in turn, makes it harder for the economy to progress.
2. Lack of access to qualified personnel who can positively impact the economy: Citizens of a country usually have their interest at heart. But when intelligent citizens who should contribute and provide solutions to the government and the economy leave the country, there are negative short and long term consequences. One short term effect is that access to good personnel (for example, health practitioners) is limited for the teeming population and this could result in deaths while in the long run, the country experiences stunted growth.
The few reasons stated above prove that truly, brain drain is a bane for developing nations.
Google Elena's diary entries.
Vempire diaries. I can't remember one off the top of my head, but if you haven't watched vampire diaries, you 100% should.