The 1st one, because what does girls, and moms have to do with anything.
Macbeth persuades the murderers to kill Banquo and his son.
Malcolm X is an African American leader, in the civil rights movement, minister and supporter of black nationalism. He urged his fellow black Americans to protect themselves against white aggression “by any means necessary,” a stance that often put him at odds with the nonviolent teachings of Martin Luthr king .
Non sequitur.
Fallacy can be defined as a mistaken or false belief that are based on illogical arguments or reasoning.
However, a lot of people might actually think it to true but it isn't. There are various types of fallacy, these include;
black or white, non sequitur, ad hominem, bandwagon, appeal to authority, straw man, oversimplification/hasty generalization.
A non sequitur in Latin simply means that, "it does not follow." When a conclusion made doesn't tally or align with a previous statement (evidence), it is known as non sequitur.
Simply stated, a non sequitur refers to a statement that isn't logical.
Example of a non sequitur are;
"For a great night's sleep, buy a mattress from Mattress Warehouse. Our unique brand of mattress is the only mattress that Stephen King will buy for his home."
"I had dysentery last night after eating meat pie, pizzas are the best and tastiest."
1. Her mom is exceptionally tall.
2. That dress is very beautiful.
3. The players on our baseball team are super athletic.
4. I'm pretty sure we won a lot of games of soccer this weekend at the tournament.