In some cases like the word vice, the negative connotation stems from a direct definition of the word(vice means wicked, but another definition is 'a substitute for' so 'vice president'). In other cases, word may be used in a culture to identify a group or individual that is portrayed negatively, thus modifying the inherent definition of the word to better portray how society thinks of the word.
Establishing a bond with grandparents is great for kids in many ways. Grandparents can be positive role models and influences, and they can provide a sense of cultural heritage and family history. Grandparents provide their grandkids with love, have their best interests at heart, and can make them feel safe.
Grandparents also encourage a child's healthy development. Overnight trips to Grandma's house, for example, may be less traumatic than sleepovers with peers and can help kids develop independence. Another benefit — grandparents may have lots of time to spend playing with and reading to kids. Such dedicated attention only improves a child's developmental and learning skills.
Tips for Staying in Touch
In today's world, though, families may be scattered across the country, and jam-packed school and work schedules may interfere with regular time with grandparents. Despite physical distance or busy schedules, you can encourage your kids to develop a closer bond with their grandparents.
Try these tips:
Visit often.
Pass it on.
Chart a family tree.
Call Often.
Answer : A. True
A dictionary is a type of a general information source that contains a compilation of alphabetically arranged words, their pronunciation, the part of speech the certain words belong and the usage of such words. The dictionary is part of the tertiary type of information sources because it no longer comes first hand from the original source and had already undergone several reviews and revisions before releasing the final dictionary for publication and circulation in the market.
B or E, it could go either way. B in order to make it more of a 'successful' news story by generating interest, or E in order to make it quick and concise and a bit easier for the common watcher to digest.