The Orchids is the diversified structures of flowers, in fact, they have unique feature. Even with the pollination, they have several mechanisms of pollination. Few of them include:
1. Few orchids have self-fertilization where the anther converts from solid-state to a liquid state without any aid of an external pollinating agent.
2. In others, self-pollination occurs, when the caudicles dry the pollen fall on the stigma.
3. This happens through an external pollinator resulting in a diversity of species.
4. This is a very special case where the flower attracts the insect to mate with bright petals, odor, and the shape.
5. These types depend on ants and other insects to get pollinated.
6. Here, the pollens release some kind of force, when an insect gets in contact with anther which results in getting away the agent from the flower.
Selective breeding on food crops may create stronger, and more healthy crops. The idea is to find your best crops, and breed them with other crops sharing the traits you want.
Parasympathetic nervous
Parasympathetic nervous
system is known to be one of the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system
and it is responsible for the stimulation of rest and digest activities that
usually occur when the body is at rest after eating which includes salivation,
urination, sexual arousal and digestion.
The process of gene cloning involve multiple steps. It involves many enzymes, bacterial cell, vector to produced an amplified number of cell and hence product.
The gene of interest is find and then it is carried into the bacterial cell by the help of vector.
The vector is then carried to get incorporated into the bacterial cell. In this way the bacterial cell starts replicating and the and the desired product is produced in high amount.
producer: grass, primary: grasshopper, secondary: frog, tertiary: snake