building a strong federal government.
Kennedy was most effective during the Cuban Missile Crisis. This crisis resulted from the Soviet Union putting missiles in Cuba after the US put missiles in Turkey. The fear that the Soviet Union might attack the US with these missiles resulted in massive fear among American citizens.
However, over the course of thirteen days in October of 1962, Kennedy was able to navigate this crisis and organized a peaceful solution to the problem. The US agreed to take their missiles out of Turkey and the Soviet Union would remove their missiles from Cuba. If Kennedy did not negotiate a deal like this, the world would have experienced all out nuclear warfare for the first time.
The Age of Exploration relied on the creation or improvement of many forms of technology. Cartography, or the making of maps, became more accurate during this time period, which guided navigators on their journeys. Ships, such as the caravel, were created that offered safer and more efficient passage. In addition, tools for navigation developed. For example, the astrolabe, first used by astronomers, was later adapted by mariners to use the angle of the sun to determine the latitude of one's location. The magnetic compass was also useful in determining a ship's path. Navigation required the development of better timepieces, such as hour glasses and, later, clocks, so sailors could determine the time of their shifts on deck. Scientific discoveries evolved as a result of the needs of explorers for more accurate maps, faster ships, better tools for navigation, and more accurate timepieces. These discoveries helped fuel the development of the Scientific Revolution.
Many believe that Dieppe was a failure because of inadequate reserves and firepower. The end result was that the troops were unable to break through the German line right above the beachhead.
In contrast, the Allies at D-Day had adequate reserves and provided ample firepower to allow troops to realistically break through the German lines.
The gathering at Amritsar (1919), the rallies in Soweto (1976) and the demonstrations in Tianamen Square (1989) directly resulted in (4) violence against the protesters. The Amritsar Massacre was when groups of nonviolent protesters gathered in the Jallianwala Bagh Garden and were fired upon by troops from the British Indian Army. The Soweto Uprising was a series of protests led by high school students who did not want to have the Afrikaans medium of instruction instilled in their schools, but this was met with huge violence and an extremely high number of casualties. The Tiananmen Square protests was when Chinese students protested because of China's corrupt political system and many protesters and civilians were killed.