"The Republic" is one of Plato's most popular works. In it, he uses the character of Socrates to explore the role that justice plays in a society and the lives of individuals living within it. In the first two books, Socrates is given three different views on justice, which he disagrees with and tries to refute. This leads into a lengthy dialogue about the state, the individuals within it, education and the nature of all things.
Because it allowed them to not only water their crops during the planting season,but also allowed them to take their crops to market in New Orleans and sell them
Old English was the first aspect of the English language spoken in the region of England, mainly between the 5th and 10th centuries. Its origin is based on Anglo-Saxon, a language brought to the British islands by the Vikings in their invasions, of a Germanic basis and closely related to the Norse. This first aspect was spoken until the Battle of Hastings, when the Normans invaded England and began to modify the language.